Walled Garden Volunteers' Blog May 2023

We began the month feeling rather soggy, but undaunted. Here are some of us, cheery in the rain! And out in force on the ‘Big Help Out’ Volunteer Bank Holiday Monday. (Amazing, the effect of tea and cake at breaktime (Thank you, Caroline!).

Then to get a few things sorted out. The pond, spoiled by the extreme frosts, has been repaired – here it is, under wraps but re-lined:

We are pleased to report that the pond plants have survived and are now back in the pond; and already the leaves are reaching the surface. Within days they were joined by pond-skaters and the water began to clear after some attention from Geoff…

…So, this month, the Garden theme is of casualties, recovery…. And with the warmer weather, things returning to normal.

As in many gardens, we’ve lost our all hebes, penstemons, olive trees and some euphorbias, some black-stemmed bamboo to the winter frosts.

Last week we were on the brink of removing the Bay and the Euonymous standard trees, when we realised, they are still alive! They’re not looking pretty, but we are giving them a stay of execution. And two ferns we thought were gone, are recovering, too.

It’s now the week of Chelsea Flower Show – and we think our meadow flowers can rival any display we’ve seen on tv! And look at our Comfrey! And the white Wisteria! And of course, our Irises!

Impossible to do justice to the plants in these photos – you must come to the Walled Garden and see for yourselves.  The Garden has recovered and is positively blooming!

PS. And we have a new colony of honey bees in the hive, too! On Sunday 28 May 2023 11am - 3pm you can come and meet Stroud Buzz Club and find out about the bees in the Walled Garden. In addition you can also simply call in to enjoy delicious cakes and homemade soup at Miss Daisy’s Pop Up Café in the walled garden.