To enquire about booking a Facilitated Visit, Remote Learning Package, Teacher Led Visit or Digital Teacher Pack, please use the form below. Please provide as much information as possible to help our Learning Officer process your enquiry.
To enquire about booking a Chance to Chat Box, please use the form below to enter your name and contact details and your message. Please give us a few days’ notice, so that we can make the box ready for collection.
We are also interested in gathering feedback from teachers, home educator families and providers working in other educational settings. You may have visited Museum in the Park in the past with a group and would like to tell us an idea about how the museum could further support learning. Perhaps you would like to explore different ways of working with us. Your school or group may have a special project coming up and you would like to enquire about the potential for bespoke activities to fit your topic, enquiry question or curriculum needs. Please use the form below to contact our Learning Officer, ask a question about our learning programme, provide feedback or share your thoughts about learning at Museum in the Park.