September at the Walled Garden

While some of the gardeners were still off on late summer expeditions, September passed by in a blur of activity here at the MiP Walled Garden.

First came the scything of the meadow, which proved a tricky affair! Unfortunately, the weather was rather sultry, brewing for a storm…and the bees were not happy! Our scythers, Fran and Dom, had to retreat with the meadow unfinished, seen off by scouts from the hive… A week later, Francis returned in protective gear, but to no avail!

The Buzz Club beekeeper, Peter, says the bees are fine – they just didn’t like us thrashing about near their hive this year! We’ve nearly managed to clear the meadow – it’s taken a while.

On Wednesday 7th September, Tim Hardy from Woodchester Park and Garden Services came to cut down the willow in the corner of the lawn. We think the tree had died through a lack of water. We shall use some of the wood as mulch, when ready.


Then came the drystone wall, a ‘teaching tool’ and part of the Museum’s Education programme. The wall is deliberately unfinished to demonstrate its construction.

Ruth continued with dye experiments, using plants from the Garden to make inks. Here on the left is her display demonstrating some of the colours she’s produced from flowers, bark, and leaves.

Cleo trimmed the topiary. After six years, the tiny plants we put in are now beginning to make more impact.



Away from all the distractions, we got on with some work: weeding, replacing the woody lavender plants with new ones and attacking the rampant Miss Willmott’s Ghost; potting up cuttings…

Cheryl is transforming the borders at the front of the Museum, at present working on the shady areas near the plunge pool.

Back in the Walled Garden, we’ve discovered our two hedgehogs have had babies! 6 hoglets, in fact!  We’ve had to construct a temporary ramp as we found two of them had got stuck at the bottom of the old steps. We’re also in close contact with the local Hedgehog Hospital regarding their welfare.

Phew!  It’s been quite a month! Now we look forward to some autumn colour… more in the next blog!