/The garden volunteers continue to get ready for the Museum's re-opening and it has been a delight to be able to talk to garden visitors. Geoff has cut the beech hedge in the courtyard and the heavy rain then sunshine of the past month has resulted in the need for a lot of weeding. We are now taking great care not to put seed heads or roots into our compost bins, in our bid to make weed-free, totally useable compost for the Garden.
The Longfield Trust has made a beautiful memorial in the shape of 1,000 purple butterflies. You may have seen them in Gloucester Cathedral, or on Points West. The butterflies were in the Walled Garden until 24th July and were a joy.
Our organic vegetable grower Sarah asked for some plant supports for her climbing Cucamelons, now planted in the raised beds in the vegetable garden. If you don't know what a Cucamelon is, come and look! The plants are still rather small at the moment, though! Marion wrestled with some of our own bamboo and some left-over willow to make ‘climbing frames’ for the plants.
And you won’t fail to miss the giant pumpkin plant on the lawn - we are trying to produce a huge pumpkin for the autumn.