A Toy Tiger

Today we’re sharing the story of this metal tiger toy, owned by Beth Whittaker.

Beth says whenever I go to a beach (remember those times?) I love beach combing, finding particularly beautiful shells, even intricately woven fishing line or rope, but ever-hopeful for treasure!

On this occasion, probably 25 years ago, we were on a Randwick village trip to a youth hostel in Devon with our two boys (both young at the time, and both keen to spot things for me, like apprentice beachcombers) and enjoying a long walk on the beach. The boys spotted this. It’s a metal toy - a tiger - worn by a combination of waves and perhaps of the fingers of its young owner, before it got lost, many, many years ago. The detail is impressive, so I believe it to be quite old and there is still a touch of colour on it. It’s a bit battered, but I sensed it was much loved and much missed.

When you shake it, there’s still sand inside!

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