My Family Photograph
/Today we’re sharing another family history story - told through Deb Clark Rennie’s family photograph. Deb says:
This photo is of my ancestors Charles and Harriet Clark née Moore with their children. Their youngest daughter, Amelia, was my Great-Great-Grandmother - she isn’t in the group photo so presumably it was taken before 1866 when she was born.
Charles Clark was the son of William and Mary Clark he was born in Gloucestershire in 1821, his parents however were from Birmingham. The Clark family were timber merchants and Charles’ parents are buried in Painswick.
Harriet – Charles’ wife - was the daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Moore née Harvey and her history is in Gloucestershire for many generations. Her father was a waterman who was killed in a boxing match in 1822, he is buried in Saul. Also buried in Saul are Edward’s grandfather, father and brother who also died tragically when their barge ‘The Betsey’ sank during a storm in 1797.