Contents of the Victorian Childhood and Families box includes:
slates, pen nibs and an inkwell to enable your group to explore what school was like during Victorian times.
parts of Victorian outfits for men and boys and for women and girls to help your group explore the clothes worn by Victorian people.
a small selection of toys and games like those Victorian children would have played with. Please see our Toys and Games of the Past Remote Learning Package for a more extensive selection of traditional toys and games.
a shuttle, water jug and darning mushroom to aid discussion about some Victorian jobs.
Victorian coins so your group can discuss how coins have changed over time and the symbolism on coinage.
Designed to support the curriculum and offer opportunities for children to handle, investigate and learn using objects, this themed loan and accompanying activities have been created by our skilled learning professionals and expert curators to help teachers bring a museum experience into the classroom.
The Remote Learning Package offer includes:
A physical Object Handling Box with objects that can be handled that relating to a theme.
An accompanying digital Teacher’s Pack that is emailed before the loan period starts.
A class video call (on Zoom or MSTeams) for a ‘meet the expert’ style Q&A session.
To find out more, please read the further information about the Remote Learning Package.
Contents of Victorian Childhood and Families Remote Learning Box.