‘The physical loans box was the best part - it's so much more valuable to the children to have physical artefacts they can see and touch. The digital pack is so useful and it’s already made our planning of the topic so much more exciting! The class call was such a valuable part of the experience and delivered so brilliantly. It had been so carefully planned for and answered all the children's questions in such detail. The children were fascinated by it and it made them feel like they were at the museum!’ KS1 Teacher, Autumn 2024.
Contents of the Toys and Games of the Past box includes:
the oldest toys in the world (used along with notes in the Teacher’s Pack, your group is challenged to think about how it is possible to play with sticks and stones in multiple ways).
toys made from a range of materials so that your group can think about what older toys are made from in comparison to modern toys they play with now.
traditional games such as Snakes and Ladders, Ludo and Dominos that encourage playing together.
toys that encourage development of fine motor skills such as Jacob’s ladder and pick up sticks.
toys that encourage development of gross motor skills such as yoyos, skipping ropes and skittles.
puppets and a toy tea set to encourage imaginative play.
Designed to support the curriculum and offer opportunities for children to handle, investigate and learn using objects, this themed loan and accompanying activities have been created by our skilled learning professionals and expert curators to help teachers bring a museum experience into the classroom.
The Remote Learning Package offer includes:
A physical Object Handling Box with objects that can be handled that relating to a theme.
An accompanying digital Teacher’s Pack that is emailed before the loan period starts.
A class video call (on Zoom or MSTeams) for a ‘meet the expert’ style Q&A session.
To find out more, please read the further information about the Remote Learning Package.
Contents of Toys and Games from the Past Remote Learning Box.