Homes of the Past Facilitated Visit, designed for children in Key Stage 1 groups:

Learning Objectives:

  • Think about old and new and identify similarities and differences between household jobs such as washing and cleaning now and in the past.

  • Develop and use a wide range of vocabulary of everyday historical terms and terms relating to houses and homes.

  • Use a range of sources and artefacts to find out about the past, including using traditional household tools to experience household jobs of the past.

  • Identify and name a variety to everyday materials, including wood, glass, metal, ceramic.

  • Continue to develop speaking and listening skills.

  • Learn to appreciate and join in rhymes about household jobs.

  • Ask and answer relevant questions.

Activities during the day:

Morning In the morning 3 groups would usually rotate around these activities, spending approximately 30 mins on each:

Object handling and investigation session. This expert-led session provides an opportunity for learners to get hands on household objects from the past and compare them to those we use today.  We’ll provide opportunities for sensory investigation, encourage learning through speaking and listening and encourage children to ask questions.

Keeping homes clean in the past. Join in with practical washday and cleaning tasks in our courtyard with our facilitators. Follow the washing process, think about old and new and find out how cleaning was done in the past. Use a washboard and posser to wash laundry, and dolly pegs to hang it out to dry.

Running a Home Discovery Trail. A chance for children to explore the museum and continue to think about the theme using key objects on display from the museum collection.

Afternoon In the afternoon 2 groups would swap between these activities, spending approximately 30 mins on each:

Explore and discuss key features of houses and homes. See and consider the materials that were used to build homes in the past.

Join in rhymes and songs about homes and listen to a themed story. 

 At the end of the day, the whole group gathers, spending about 20 mins in total reviewing the day, what we have seen, done, talked about and, if time, listening to and taking part in a themed story.

Curriculum links: History, Science, Design and Technology

To find out more, including about charges and how to enquire about booking, please read the further information about Facilitated Visits.

If a Facilitated Visit isn’t quite right for your group, please read the information about our Running a Victorian Home or Victorian Kitchen Remote Learning Packages.