Exploring Artwork Facilitated Visit, designed for children in Key Stage 1 groups:

Learning Objectives:

  • to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products

  • to learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers.

  • to describe the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines.

  • to use drawing and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination.

  • continue to develop speaking and listening skills.

Activities during the day:

Morning In the morning 3 groups would usually rotate around these activities, spending approximately 30 mins on each:

Portraits in Focus. We’ll look closely at portraits created in the early 1800s and portraits by artists working in 20th Century. We’ll explore expression, colour and the story of the portrait to encourage children to discover the different ways artists make portraits. Children will be encouraged to think about different styles and techniques to explore what a portrait can be.

Sculpture in Focus. Using the examples of sculpture in the museum collection, we’ll find out about the materials and processes used to create sculpture, discuss the form and design of different sculptures and encourage children to explore their own thoughts, ideas and responses to the artworks.

Finding art in the museum. Your staff and adult helpers lead children on a ‘looking’ exercise. Tell us beforehand what your focus is (e.g. portraits, landscapes, paintings, sculpture, ceramics, animals, colour) and we’ll provide a map of the museum to help children spot examples in the museum. This is a chance for children to explore the museum and to discuss the art made by different artists represented in the museum collection.

Afternoon In the afternoon 2 groups would swap between these activities, spending approximately 30 mins on each:

Time for sketching with charcoal and experiment with mark making. Children will be encouraged to use simple materials and processes to look and think whilst drawing.

Exploring clay to create a simple sculpture. Children will build their understanding of how clay behaves to mould, shape and model air drying clay and use different tools to create texture.

At the end of the day, the whole group gathers, spending about 20 mins in total reviewing the day, what we have seen, done, talked about and, if time, listening to and taking part in a themed story.

Curriculum links: Art and Design

To find out more, including about charges and how to enquire about booking, please read the further information about Facilitated Visits.