Contents of the At Home During World War 2 box includes:
replica objects including a helmet, wireless operators headset, armbands worn by members of the ARP, Fire Guard and Local Defence Volunteers, to aid discussion about the people working at home to keep people in Britain safe during the war.
replica gas mask, wooden gas rattle, water pump and a sample of brown window tape to explore the impact of air raids on the people living in Britain during World War 2.
a small piece of parachute silk, two types of stockings and darning thread, as well as information about Make Do and Mend so your group can discuss ways that ordinary people were encouraged to adapt to the shortage of resources.
ration books, packaging of rationed food Ministry of Food cooking leaflets and wartime cookbooks (replica) to help your group understand what foods have been available to people at home in Britain during World War 2.
wartime posters so that your group can discuss messages given to the people at home home in Britain during the war.
Designed to support the curriculum and offer opportunities for children to handle, investigate and learn using objects, this themed loan and accompanying activities have been created by our skilled learning professionals and expert curators to help teachers bring a museum experience into the classroom.
The Remote Learning Package offer includes:
A physical Object Handling Box with objects that can be handled that relating to a theme.
An accompanying digital Teacher’s Pack that is emailed before the loan period starts.
A class video call (on Zoom or MSTeams) for a ‘meet the expert’ style Q&A session.
To find out more, please read the further information about the Remote Learning Package.
Contents of At Home During World War 2 Remote Learning Box.