‘Thank you so much for tailoring a visit just for us. It was really very good.’ KS1 Teacher, autumn 2022.
Information for visiting School Teachers and Group Leaders to help groups get the most out of their visit.
Facilitated Visits and Teacher Led Visits must be pre-booked. Please contact the Learning Officer to book. We are able to welcome 1 class of about 30 children per day.
Groups with a pre-booked Facilitated Visit use the Learning Pavilion in the Walled Garden or the Meeting Room/Gallery 2 as the base for the day, for some of the activities and also as an indoor space for break and lunch. The Learning Pavilion is accessed through the Walled Garden and is fully accessible via a ramp through the garden. The Meeting Room/Gallery 2 is within the main building and is accessed via a ramp from the reception area.
Groups with a pre-booked Teacher Led Visit would normally need to be split into smaller groups of between no more than 10 children. Each group needs to be accompanied by at least one adult. We suggest that a group looks around the ground floor of the museum/mansion, whilst another looks around the upper floor, and another looks around the garden, with the groups swapping around. Group leaders should ensure that groups using the public toilet facilities do so in small groups and follow their own Safeguarding practices.
Groups are welcome to picnic in Stratford Park at lunchtime, weather permitting.
Public toilet facilities, including a family toilet area and unisex accessible (disabled) toilet, and handwashing facilities for all visitors, members of the public and staff are located in the new extension. Group leaders should ensure groups using the public toilets follow their own Safeguarding practices.
The Walled Garden provides seating areas, displays of flowers and shrubs, an orchard and meadow area, a dipping pond and bee hive.
The Gift Shop is located in the foyer and sells souvenirs, toys, books, postcards and prints. School groups wishing to use the gift shop should arrange times to do so with the Learning Officer.
Check out About Your Visit for more information to help you plan a visit. The Welcome video contains some text displayed as subtitles and is set to music.
The charge for a Facilitated Visit is usually £4 per learner (increasing slightly to £4.50 after 1.4.25). Additional charges may apply if external educators such as actors or specialist demonstrators are included in onsite sessions. Such additional charges will always be discussed in advance.
A minimum charge of £50 applies rather than a per person charge if a group is significantly smaller than a standard class.
There is no charge for adults accompanying your group during the visit.
School groups will be invoiced after the visit.
There is no charge for Teacher Led Visits, although groups leading their own visits are welcome to make a donation to support Museum in the Park.
The museum endeavours to provide the best quality service to all our visitors. We recommend discussing any SEND or other specific needs that your group may have with our Learning Officer ahead of your Facilitated Visit to help us support access and inclusion for everyone in your group. You can read more information about access on our website.
Health and Safety:
If you have booked a Facilitated Visit, our Learning Officer will provide you with a copy of the Risk Assessment for School Visits when your booking is confirmed. Please be aware that our Risk Assessment for School Visits is site specific and may not address all the needs of your particular group.
Group Leaders/Teachers leading a booked Teacher Led Visit are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate Risk Assessments and safety measures in place.
General safety measures at Museum in the Park include:
We advise that the Group Leader/Teacher responsible for organising the visit arranges a pre-visit to establish the layout and content of the galleries and carry out their own risk assessment. They may also arrange to meet the Learning Officer to discuss the visit. There’s nothing quite like seeing or experiencing somewhere for yourself to help plan a successful visit.
Group Leaders/Teachers should carry a comprehensive list of all staff and children present at the Museum in the group on the day of the visit. All accompanying adults should carry both a list of the children in their group and follow procedures for ensuring all children in a group are present. e.g. regular headcounts before and after moving areas.On the day of the visit,
Groups should bring an appropriate adult to child ratio. Group Leaders/Teachers should ensure that all accompanying adults are suitably trained/advised and understand their roles during the visit. All activity sessions should supervised by accompanying adults.
Group Leaders/Teachers, school staff and accompanying adults are responsible for the supervision, welfare and behaviour of children at all times. Adult leaders should be aware of specific medical or behavioural conditions affecting group members. It is the Group Leaders’ responsibility to ensure that staff and children are fully briefed.
Group Leaders/Teachers and accompanying adults are requested to ensure that children walk rather than run in the Museum and the Walled Garden.
If you have booked a Facilitated Visit, groups are often divided into smaller groups to take part in activity sessions throughout the day, including exploring the Museum. Each group should be accompanied and supervised by an adult. If older children (Key Stage 3 and above) are allowed to explore in unaccompanied small groups, then adult leaders must make the Museum staff aware of this and should set up a regular rendezvous.
Group Leaders/Teachers should ensure they bring their own trained first aider(s) and first aid equipment, including medication for children with known allergies.
Front of House staff can advise about who to contact for First Aid and where First Aid kits are kept.
Our Duty Managers are trained in on-site emergency procedures and in dealing with vulnerable persons. Front of House staff members are trained in Health and Safety measures and Child Protection/Safeguarding procedures. All staff are DBS-checked.
Front of House Staff and Museum Volunteers have radio communication with reception staff and Duty Managers.
There is CCTV coverage in all galleries.
Photographs of children may only be taken where parental consent has been given.
Further information:
Discover more about the Collection.
For events and temporary exhibitions please visit our What’s On.
Find out more about the Walled Garden.
Other useful information: Find Us, Contact Us, Detailed Opening Times.