‘The digital support pack was excellent and really backed up the resources in the loan box. It was great to learn about local discoveries. Thank you so much for putting the boxes and resources together for us. You were absolutely fantastic with the children in our Q and A session. You were amazing at interacting with the children and making it two-way by getting them involved. We are so grateful to you. They had a really fantastic understanding about rocks and fossils after the q and a and resources in the boxes.’ KS 2 teacher, Autumn 2023
Contents of the Exploring Rocks and Fossils box includes:
Samples of a range of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks to enable your group to compare and group samples by appearance and physical properties.
Mineral samples so that your group can explore the building blocks, or ingredients, of rocks.
A small selection of the type of marine fossils discovered in the Stroud District, for your group to handle and investigate.
Resources to help you lead a dramatic hands-on activity to help your group investigate how fossils were formed.
Designed to support the curriculum and offer opportunities for children to handle, investigate and learn using objects, this themed loan and accompanying activities have been created by our skilled learning professionals and expert curators to help teachers bring a museum experience into the classroom.
The Remote Learning Package offer includes:
A physical Object Handling Box with objects that can be handled that relating to a theme.
An accompanying digital Teacher’s Pack that is emailed before the loan period starts.
A class video call (on Zoom or MSTeams) for a ‘meet the expert’ style Q&A session.
To find out more, please read the further information about the Remote Learning Package.
Contents of Exploring Rocks and Fossils RemoTe Learning Box.